FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q) Is there any way to have my QSO data flow from the logger program to the DXCC Spreadsheet.  If this is possible (importing logger data to spreadsheet) it would save 100's of hours.

A) Unfortunately there is no way to import data from other logging programs. Anyway I can tell that when I filled the cells with my own data, first I made a listing of my DXCC status, according to my logbook program, then I cross-checked it against the hand-written list where I tracked my DXCC since then, and finally entered the data in the spreadsheet. The whole process took me only an afternoon...and I really think it was worth the trouble, if you take into account how much time I am saving now.

Q) Which are the differences between the trial and the registered version of the spreadsheet?

A) The trial version can only be used for a period of 30 days. After that period the Registered version  must be purchased or it must be removed from the computer.

Additionally the Registered version has the following features:

Q) How can I be informed of the new versions and updates?

A) You can be notified by E-Mail. You just have to join The DXCC spreadsheet Mailing List.

Q) How can I update The DXCC spreadsheet to add a new entity (VP6 - Ducie I., for instance)?

A) If you are familiar with Excel you can add it easily on your own. Just follow these steps:

  1. Make a backup copy of .XLSX file

  2. Unlock the sheet using the password that was provided to you together with the registered version. (Menu options "Tools" / "Protect")

  3. Scroll down the page and select the whole line corresponding to VP6-Pitcairn I. (in this example) by clicking on the left of the line (on the row number). The whole line should be dark.

  4. Now with the right button of the mouse select the "Edit" / "Copy" function and just after the "Insert" / "Copied cells". You will have 2 lines with the "VP6"...

  5. Change de data in the second of these two lines with the corresponding to "VP6-Ducie I."

  6. And finally lock the sheet again with the same password.

Important: Although you are free to make any changes to your registered copy, please remember that after you modify the sheet in any way I can no longer give you support, because I have no way to know what you have done.

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