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Hermitage of Saint Urbez

Hermitage of Saint Urbez
Picture of the hermitage of Sait Urbez taken in/from the gorge of Añisclo (Ordesa / Pyrenees / Spain)
Date: Sep-2004
Camera: Minolta Dimage-XT
Comments: Saint Urbez was an eremite, that at the beginning of the VIII century had many adepts in Aragon due to his many miracles and his knowledge of the hidden forces of nature. According to the tradition, Saint Urbez crossed the gorge of Añisclo extending his stick across the gorge and using it as a runway, and there the definitive bridge was build. The cavern where the holy man took shelter, when he arrived from France evading from the pursuit he was suffering in that impious land, is made up of four low concavities, that now are joined by an external wall. A stairs is used to access the grotto-hermitage and a little niche is used as the sacristy.

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Landscapes/Nature (379)Ordesa National Park (29)

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